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Discovering Cannabis-Informed Therapy: Your Friendly Guide

Hey there! Let’s chat about something pretty awesome: cannabis-informed therapy. Imagine sitting down with someone who gets the whole cannabis scene—how it helps, how you use it, and even the tricky bits. That’s what cannabis-informed therapy is all about. It’s like having a therapy buddy who’s clued in about cannabis and how it intertwines with your mental wellness journey. And the best part? You don’t even need to be a cannabis user to benefit from this kind of therapy. It’s all about using that knowledge to boost your healing process.

Why Consider a Cannabis-Informed Counselor?

Having a therapist who understands cannabis can be a game-changer, especially if cannabis is part of your life in any big or small way. They’re there to guide you through the highs and lows (pun intended), making sure your mental health strategy vibes well with your cannabis use. Whether you’re reaching for cannabis for a bit of relaxation, medical reasons, or just for fun, a knowledgeable therapist can help you navigate your wellness path with insight and understanding.

Sarie Scott, LCPC, CCE

Things to Think About When Looking for Cannabis-Informed Therapy

  • Your Cannabis Journey: Sharing your story—like when you started using cannabis and why—helps personalize your therapy. It’s all about making the therapy work for you.

  • Why Cannabis?: Understanding your reasons for using cannabis (chill vibes, medical relief, etc.) helps tailor the therapy to fit your life perfectly.

  • How You Roll: Chatting about whether you’re into edibles, vaping, or another method lets your therapy plan be more about you.

  • Cannabis & Your Mood: It’s cool to explore how cannabis plays into your mental health, whether it’s lifting your spirits or helping you unwind.

  • Learning More: If you’re curious about different strains or how cannabis can be a part of therapy, that’s something to dive into.

  • Highs and Lows: Talking about any downsides or worries you have about cannabis use means your therapy covers all bases.

  • The Bigger Picture: How cannabis fits into your overall wellness plan is key. Your goals matter, and therapy can support you in reaching them.

Not Just for Cannabis Users

Remember, cannabis-informed therapy isn’t just for those who use cannabis. It’s for anyone interested in a therapeutic approach that respects the role cannabis can play in healing and wellness. So, whether you’re a frequent recreational user, a medical cannabis patient, or simply curious, this approach can offer insights and support tailored to you.

Cannabis Coaching vs. Cannabis-Informed Therapy: What’s the Difference?

Think of cannabis coaching as your go-to for all things cannabis—picking strains, figuring out doses, and understanding how cannabis can fit into a healthy lifestyle. It’s less about digging deep into emotional stuff and more about making your cannabis experience as positive as possible.

Cannabis-informed therapy, on the other hand, is the best of both worlds. It’s working with a therapist who gets the cannabis stuff but is also there to dive deep into your mental health journey, offering support, insights, and strategies to manage whatever life throws your way.

cannabis-informed therapy

Ready to Explore More?

Feeling like cannabis-informed therapy or coaching might be your vibe? Awesome! Let’s make it easy to take that first step. You can book a free consultation with me, Sarie, to chat about whether coaching or therapy feels right for you. It’s a no-pressure, friendly chat to see how we can work together to support your wellness journey.

Cannabis-informed therapy is all about creating a space that’s insightful, welcoming, and totally focused on you—cannabis user or not. It’s a modern take on therapy that embraces all parts of your lifestyle, helping you navigate toward a happier, healthier you. Let’s discover together how cannabis knowledge can play a role in your healing process, whether you’re enjoying cannabis recreationally, using it medically, or just curious about the possibilities.

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